Hello World Next.Js

Hello world - next+cloudflare version

This is my first next.js blog post

I have always wanted to move my blog off of wordpress and AWS. Markdown is simple classic and really friendly!

With the focus of the web starting to shift towards the end user experience performance thanks to [Google web Vitals] (https://web.dev/vitals/) shining a clear light through their tools, we are noticing a shift in the way organisations are measuring and designing their digital experiences. Speed at the end user experience is challenging the traditional content technology stacks to evolve.

What underlie the change? A desire to keep the dynamic nature of our experiences without compromising on the speed.

Technologies like SPA's and WPA's have been relying too much on the end user's computing capability and bandwidth, leading to discrepancy in how individuals experience the digital world.

The time to change my website has come, I use Markdown for note-taking and for lists of tasks, so it seems natural as a developer to make the move to a platform that supports this format. But this is not a user-friendly solution if you are unfamiliar with Markdown. Don't worry, with tools like [tina.io] (https://tina.io) the production of content through Markdown is now intuitive and non-tech user-friendly.

I work for Adobe, we moved the needle even further. Project [franklin] (https://www.hlx.live/home) is now the tool that allows you to use word or Google Docs to produce content, add to that integrations to [Grammarly] (https://grammerly.com) or the better tool LanguageTool and content production just became democratise.

The road from here to content encapsulation and progressive delivery is solid and paved.

I will keep this post short, this is just hello world :)