Hi visitor, thank you for visiting my humble new site
Here i share my journey and thoughts about leading businesses and teams through the complexities of the enterprise digital landscape. I may also share thoughts about life ocassionally and i appologise in advance if you are not looking for that from me.
I am rebuilding my site with Next.JS, Typescript, Tailwind and Cloudflare pages taking Markdown and making it pretty'ish
This is a work in progress and i may break things along the way... I'm learning, challenging myself as a way of life.
Hope you enjoy and recommend my blog to your friends or let me know what you think.
It is a strong beleif i carry that if you want to understand your business you must understand the whole spectrum of activities, so i decided to movie up and down the role elevator to get a good grasp of what is the view from multiple perspectives,
As a manager in technology I want to know how to translate tech to the business and business to the tech so the agility and comprehension is retained.
What currently is top of mind for me in my space is composing large scale solutions to large enterprises through the lenses of business context alignment with soft contracts and API driven deliveries. A Component CMS, Edge Computing such as the image components on this site, Hybrid and Headless elements, Server side rendition generators such as this, Rust and WebAssembly for amazing client side compute stability, design thinking and digital strategy, change management throught the lenses of prosci, CIO evolution throught the view points of Digital Enterprise Architecture and many more layers of how we connect the business goals (KBO/OKR) to tangible KPI for the business IT and Delivery partners leading to a scaled change across the growth of the technology industry.
Hello, I'm Yuval, I lead a team of amazing developers on my daily, I love helping my customers navigtagte their journey of digitalisation and been at it for 20 years.
I love technology, when it impacts our life positively, and I enjoy the human aspects of technology adoption.
What I would describe myself as a servant leader combined with a perpetual learner in all aspects of life (This site is one of my learning experiences), aspiring to grow a better community wherever I go.
Things I do when I don't work I have found my way to many hobbies, some are more prominent and some were experiments that stuck, I... play the guitar and managed to release a few albums with a band in my 20s, write software, Run trails, Tramp (Hiking for Americans) remote places, photograph things, motorcycle riding and lately ventured to pottery.