
Hi visitor, thank you for visiting my humble new site
Here i share my journey and thoughts about leading businesses and teams through the complexities of the enterprise digital landscape. I may also share thoughts about life ocassionally and i appologise in advance if you are not looking for that from me.
I am rebuilding my site with Next.JS, Typescript, Tailwind and Cloudflare pages taking Markdown and making it pretty'ish
This is a work in progress and i may break things along the way... I'm learning, challenging myself as a way of life.
Hope you enjoy and recommend my blog to your friends or let me know what you think.

It is a strong beleif i carry that if you want to understand your business you must understand the whole spectrum of activities, so i decided to movie up and down the role elevator to get a good grasp of what is the view from multiple perspectives,
As a manager in technology I want to know how to translate tech to the business and business to the tech so the agility and comprehension is retained.

Yuval Ararat

Hello, I'm Yuval, I lead a team of amazing developers on my daily, I love helping my customers navigtagte their journey of digitalisation and been at it for 20 years.
I love technology, when it impacts our life positively, and I enjoy the human aspects of technology adoption.

What I would describe myself as a servant leader combined with a perpetual learner in all aspects of life (This site is one of my learning experiences), aspiring to grow a better community wherever I go.